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    Forum Rules 1.3


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      HV Anime Club Forum Guidelines. Version 1.3

    HV Anime is a community in which members can discuss topics including but not limited to Anime, Manga, Graphic Novels, and Japanese culture. We are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. The guidelines noted below are to help ensure that the community is maintained and everyone has a good time while using our forums.


    1. .Enjoy yourself.
      1.  Everyone has access to participate in the forums.
      2. .The forum is used for discussion between members. Please don't post topics as news on main site. Those submissions will be denied.
    2. If you sign up for the forums please participate.
      1.  Any members who sign up and don't participate within 2 weeks may have their accounts deleted by site administrators.
      2. When Posting in the Introduction section Please include your Name in the topic.
      3. When replying to a post in the introduction. Please include your name to welcome the new members.
    3. Please keep the content PG-13
      1. >a.No Hentai or Porn
      2. Members who don't follow theses rules will be warned. [see section about Warnings]
    4. No Flaming of other members or Site Staff.
      1. We will not tolerate others flaming other members or staff.
      2. Any member caught flaming will be warned. [see section about Warnings]
    5. Trolling will not be accepted at all.
      1. Any member caught trolling this forum will me warned.[see section about Warning]
    6. No Cursing or Foul Language.</strong>
      1.  In order to keep a PG-13 forum, cursing and foul language will be changed either by a automatic system or by Moderators.
      2.  If a member is found cursing or using foul language, they will be warned. [see Section about Warnings]
    7. 7. Please post in the appropriate section.
      1.  Any posts in found in the wrong section will be moved or deleted at the moderators discretion.
    8. When starting a thread or topic in a forum please post any appropriate information
      1. If starting a thread or topic with a link to a video or to a 3rd party website it is hard to start a discussion. please include any information relevant so that a discussion can be started
      2.  Any posts started this way may be modified or deleted at the moderators discretion.
    9. If Experiencing any technical difficulties HV Anime Club, please refer to the appropriate FAQ section .
      1. If answer is not found in FAQ Section, please refer to the Support Forum.
      2. When using support forum please be sure to use the search function as your question may already have been answered
    10. Moderators and Site Staff reserve the rights to Move, Modify or Deleted posts to preserve the integrity of the forums and the community as a whole.
      1. The moderators have been chosen to perform the job of keeping the forums running smoothly, and maintaining the integrity of HV Anime Clubs Forum
    11. The forum will auto archive posts that meet certain criteria.
      1. The goal of the auto archiving system is to reduce overhead making the system run smoother.
      2. Posts that have no replies over 1 year and contain less than 15 posts will be archived.
      3.  When a topic is archived, members will not be able to post into the topic. (The topic will be essentially read only.)

    Warning Rules
    Members may be WARNED by Site Staff and Moderators.

    The warning system is to ensure that the forum is kept safe and the integrity of of forums and community as a whole.

    Members can be warned up to 10 warning points. Once a member reaches 10 warning points, that member will be permanently banned from the forums. Depending of the severity of the infraction, more points may be given than others.

    1-3 warning points -- Private Message Warning
    4-6 warning points -- 1 Hour Ban
    6-9 warning points -- 24 Hour Ban
    10 warning points -- Permanently Banned.

    Warning points may be removed if no infractions happen within a rolling 30 day period at the discretion of the Site Staff depending of the severity.

    These rules and guidelines may be changed without prior notice. We will do our best to keep everyone updated when they change.

    Forum Ranking System.

    Members will be ranked on the amount of posts in the forums. There are currently 12 ranks ranging from N00BIEto Otaku. The list below shows the ranks that normal members could achieve while using our community.

    Number of Posts: Rank

    0-9 N00B13 pip_noobie.gif

    10-99 Nomad pip_nomad.gif

    100-249 Traveler pip_traveller.gif
    250-499 Resident pip_resident.gif

    500-665 - Vampire pip_vampire.gif
    666 Naraku pip_naraku.gif

    667- 999 Ninjapip_ninja.gif
    1000-1999 Alchemistpip_alchemist.gif

    2000-4999 Krusnik pip_krusnik.gif

    5000-7999 Kira pip_kira.png

    8000-9999 Shinigami pip_shinigami.jpg
    10000+ Otaku pip_otaku.jpg

    There are some special Awards assigned to those who are deemed worthy of such a Award such as the Grand Otaku Rank.

    Forum Rules and Regulations can be changed without prior notice. We will do our best to keep all users up to date.

    Edited by naota
    fixed formatting. updated warning
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    Addendum to rules.

    1)     It is mandatory to post in the introduction section. Once your introductory post has been entered, you may post in other sections.

    2)    In order to post in the reviews Section, you must have 25 posts. 

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